Copiando e colando...
(embora o tom do texto seja muito "popstar", john frusciante é sempre muito bom)
terça-feira, janeiro 20, 2009
For Immediate Release:
Today, January 20th 2009, we are pleased to announce the worldwide digital release of The Empyrean, the new album from singer/songwriter John Frusciante.
The Empyrean is now available through all major digital service providers including emusic, Itunes and Amazon.
Next week, the 27th of January, marks the US physical release of The Empyrean on CD and vinyl formats.
To purchase The Empyrean, please click on the link below:
Thank you all for your continued dedication to the consumption of great art..
Jordan Tappis
PresidentRecord Collection
No momento ouvindo:The Empyrean
Por: John FruscianteData de lançamento: 2009-01-27
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